
29 June, 2007


I have a set of rules for the RSHI, the Really Small and Helpless Investors.

1. The first is to cut losses.
2. The second is not to forget the first. With the small capital at his disposal a RSHI can not effort to lose his money.
3. The third is to find out what the herd is following, I can jump in the band wagon and jump out of it taking some profit, before anybody’s guess. Trick is not to be greedy there. The herd, in most cases, follows some tips which may not sustain for long.
4. The fourth is not to convert a losing trade to investment. Investment is something different, needs a through study on fundamentals. But in trade, it needs the study of the market sentiment. By Jove, some gut feelings too. Yes it is true “Do not follow the herd”. But swimming against the current needs lot of strength in wallet.
5. The fifth is to think about the consequences of a losing trade.

Now, to my previous investments, my first stock Cummins is going up and seems to go on and on. Already it has achieved my target. Now I am in dilemma? If I follow the market pundits I should book part profit after achieving the first target. But with that small numbers of stocks booking part profit means nothing. Again I can not effort to lose the profit if the market goes down. My gut feelings says the market will go up further, as it did not correct itself even after the mega issue of DLF, as most RSHI anticipated (influenced by prime time TV experts?). Should I wait for another week? These thinking occur to most RSHI, as they do not have the access to correct information and research.

It occurs to me now why most RSHI loses his money in stock market. Either they tend to sell the stocks when the stock has not reached its correct valuation or when the market goes down. Most cases they do not sell the stock in down market as they have to lose profit and they turn their trade to investment. Then they wait for agonizingly long period of time.

My case, I will ask my free advisors for their valuable tips. I have time as market is going to open on next monday. It seems I can not do away with market tips.

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