
04 January, 2008


It was interesting to note the following ten top performing stocks in 2007. Link- Time-Blog.

Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co. Ltd., China, 1017%
Jai Corp. Ltd., India, 877%
Reliance Natural Resources Ltd., India, 823%
Ispat Industries Ltd., India, 742%J
indal Steel & Power Ltd., India, 664%
Essar Oil Ltd., India, 570%
Shougang Concord Int'l Enterprises Co. Ltd., Hong Kong, 534%
China National Building Material Co. Ltd., China, 496%
Lanco Infratech Ltd., India, 487%
Adani Enterprises Ltd., India, 467%

Surprised? Let me quote from the same source that out of hundred top performing stocks in 2007, fortyone are from India.

We are extremely bullish in India story and the above is just another support to our bullish outlook. We are an emerging market, and we have many hidden gems whose earning potential is not yet fully exposed. Above all , we have our unique stock/financial market which has a judicious mixture of domestic and foreign earning potentials.

But still, it may not be possible to repeat this kind of extraordinary feat year after year. To sustain similar kind of growth to our portfolios, it certainly calls for realigning of strategy and to have a peek into the minds of market pundits. Some good prescriptions of stocks for the year 2008 are already doing rounds in the world of investors. These prescriptions if you look at them have their own merits. These suggestions at times go terribly wrong leaving the investors high and dry. So, small investors are to apply their own discretion.

I personally liked few suggestions and these may be used as guideline for framing strategy for next year.

Business-standard: Some picks which does not need much expertise, still should reaffirm our faith in known stocks. Mainly observations from Pundits. Interesting reading, for the contradictions.

DeadPresident: The most interesting, stock selection by mortals, must read page.

Business Today (Print edition) has also published their list of companies for the year 2008.

Happy New Year.

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